Monday, February 1, 2010

Start of a new semester

The first CRAZY semester of my 3rd year of teaching is coming to a close and the second CRAZY one is about to begin. For the first time, I've really begun to think about not doing this until I retire.

But on to better news!

1. Finally tried the Trader Joe's macarons on the recommendation of a food blog. I've been kind of snooty about them, thinking that they couldn't be as good as the real thing. However, once again, Trader Joe's proves me wrong. This may be outrageous, but I actually liked them better than Paulette Macarons. I'm just saying.

2. My French Laundry Cookbook came today. I have big plans for that. The goal is to cook out of it at least once every two weeks. We'll see how that goes!

3. Still doing yoga. Wish I could maintain 3x per week, but it's about 2x a week since the start of the new year. Other events keep getting in the way. I think things have calmed down to where I can start going 3x a week again. That was definitely good for me. :) Thanks Yogaworks!

I'm off to plan for next semester, hope I can keep on blogging!